Earwig 2021
5.4 /10
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Earwig is a charming and whimsical animated film that follows the story of a young orphan girl named Earwig who is taken in by a mysterious couple. The film beautifully captures the magic and wonder of childhood, with a delightful mix of humor and heartwarming moments. The animation is topnotch, bringing the fantastical world of Earwig to life in vibrant colors and imaginative designs.
The characters are endearing and relatable, especially Earwig herself, who is a spunky and resourceful protagonist. The films soundtrack is also a standout, with catchy songs that complement the story perfectly. Overall, Earwig is a delightful watch for viewers of all ages, offering a magical escape into a world full of wonder and adventure.
Videos & Photos
All 1 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Albert Scellinc
The stranger
Marie Scellinc
The doctor
The concierge
The receptionist
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Run Time:
01H 54M
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