Gandhi 1982
8.0 /10
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Gandhi is a powerful and inspiring film that tells the story of Mahatma Gandhi, a key figure in Indias fight for independence through nonviolent resistance. Ben Kingsleys portrayal of Gandhi is remarkable, capturing both his determination and his peaceful nature. The film beautifully showcases Gandhis journey and his impact on history, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.
The cinematography and direction in Gandhi are superb, bringing to life the historical events and the emotional depth of the characters. The films message of peace, love, and perseverance resonates strongly, making it a timeless classic that continues to educate and inspire viewers around the world.
Videos & Photos
All 1 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Mahatma Gandhi
Lord Irwin
Kasturba Gandhi
Pandit Nehru
Margaret Bourke-White
General Dyer
Judge Broomfield
The Viceroy
Charlie Andrews
Herman Kallenbach
General Smuts
Sardar Patel
Mohamed Ali Jinnah
Senior Police Officer
Principal Secretary
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Run Time:
03H 11M
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