Kenny Begins 2009

5.8 /10

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Kenny Begins is a delightful comedy that follows the story of Kenny Starfighter, a hapless janitor who unexpectedly becomes the chosen one to save the universe. The film is filled with quirky humor, charming characters, and a heartwarming message about believing in oneself. With its imaginative storyline and comedic moments, Kenny Begins is a fun and entertaining movie that will leave you with a smile on your face.

Overall, Kenny Begins is a feelgood film that is perfect for a lighthearted movie night. It combines elements of science fiction, comedy, and adventure to create an enjoyable and uplifting viewing experience. Whether youre a fan of quirky comedies or simply looking for a fun escape, Kenny Begins is definitely worth a watch.

Videos & Photos

All 1 Videos & 1 Photos


Kenny Starfighter

Rutger Oversmart

General Sudoko

Underhuggare 1

Underhuggare 2

Underhuggare 3


Rosie Anderberg Rosie Anderberg


Yankai Yu Yankai Yu


Lenny Starfighter

Jenny Starfighter

Kapten Kaos

Kejsar Zing

Karl Sallnäs Karl Sallnäs


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