Brannvin I Kikarn 2014
6.6 /10
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This Swedish film Brannvin I Kikarn is a delightful comedy that delivers plenty of laughs and heartwarming moments. The story follows a group of friends who embark on a hilarious journey after discovering a hidden stash of brandy. The characters are endearing, the humor is clever, and the cinematography captures the beautiful Swedish landscapes perfectly.
Overall, Brannvin I Kikarn is a feelgood movie that will leave you smiling from start to finish. Its a perfect choice for anyone looking for a lighthearted and entertaining film to enjoy with friends or family.
Videos & Photos
All 1 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Holger Grönvall
Directour Bert Grönvall
Jarl Hasselbo
Dag-Otto Flink
Dagmar 'Florence' Larsson
Spoken Lang:
Run Time:
01H 55M
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