Pepsi, Wheres My Jet? 2022

7.0 /10

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Pepsi, Wheres My Jet is a thrilling and captivating series that premiered in 2022. The show follows the intriguing story of a highflying executive who mysteriously disappears after a business trip. As the plot unfolds, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of suspense, drama, and unexpected twists. The talented cast delivers outstanding performances, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats with each episode.

With its fastpaced narrative and engaging storyline, Pepsi, Wheres My Jet is a mustwatch for fans of mystery and suspense. The production quality is topnotch, and the cinematography beautifully captures the essence of the characters and their world. Overall, this series is a mustsee for anyone looking for a thrilling and immersive viewing experience.

Videos & Photos

All 1 Videos & 1 Photos


Self - The Kid with the Idea

Self - The Investor

Self - Former Creative Director - Pepsi's Ad Agency

Jeff Mordos Jeff Mordos

Self - The Wolf

Brian Swette Brian Swette

Self - Former Chief Marketing Officer - Pepsi

Linda Leonard Linda Leonard

Self - John's Mom

Michael Davis Michael Davis

John Leonard

Jason Fielders Jason Fielders

Todd Hoffman

Michael Avenatti Michael Avenatti

Self - The Spin Doctor

Larry Schantz Larry Schantz

Self - The Kid's Lawyer

Curtis Lee Newton Curtis Lee Newton

Pepsi Lawyer

Self - The Icon

Phyllis Hoffman Phyllis Hoffman

Self - Todd's Mom

Tom Wade Tom Wade

Pepsi Lawyer

Christopher Manning Christopher Manning

Michael Avenatti

Jack Cutler Jack Cutler

Pepsi Lawyer

Kristen Schroer Kristen Schroer

Linda Leonard

Gloria Laisure Gloria Laisure

Pepsi Lawyer

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