tty Little Liars 2010
7.4 /10
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Pretty Little Liars is a captivating mystery drama series that premiered in 2010. The show follows a group of friends who are haunted by the disappearance of their best friend, Alison. As they receive mysterious messages from an anonymous figure named A, they uncover dark secrets and lies within their seemingly perfect town of Rosewood.
With suspenseful plot twists, complex characters, and intense drama, Pretty Little Liars keeps viewers on the edge of their seats throughout its sevenseason run. The talented cast, including Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale, Shay Mitchell, and Sasha Pieterse, delivers stellar performances that make the series a mustwatch for fans of mystery and intrigue.
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Spencer Hastings
Hanna Marin
Aria Montgomery
Emily Fields
Alison DiLaurentis
Ezra Fitz
Ashley Marin
Mona Vanderwaal
Caleb Rivers
Toby Cavanaugh
Ella Montgomery
Byron Montgomery
Veronica Hastings
Jenna Marshall
Paige McCullers
Jessica DiLaurentis
Melissa Hastings
Pam Fields