Star Trek: Enterprise 2001

7.5 /10

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Star Trek Enterprise, which first aired in 2001, offers a fresh perspective on the beloved Star Trek franchise. The series takes viewers on a thrilling journey as the crew of the first starship Enterprise explores the uncharted regions of space. With a focus on humanitys early steps into deep space exploration, the show delves into the challenges and triumphs of this pioneering crew. The character development is strong, and the storylines are engaging, making it a mustwatch for any scifi enthusiast.

Featuring a talented cast and impressive visual effects, Star Trek Enterprise successfully combines elements of exploration, diplomacy, and action to create a captivating viewing experience. The series strikes a balance between episodic adventures and overarching story arcs, keeping viewers invested in the characters growth and the unfolding mysteries of the universe. Overall, Star Trek Enterprise is a worthy addition to the Star Trek universe, offering a compelling look at the early days of space exploration and the formation of the United Federation of Planets.

Videos & Photos

All 1 Videos & 1 Photos


Capt. Jonathan Archer

Sub-Cmdr. T'Pol

Lt. Malcolm Reed

Anthony Montgomery Anthony Montgomery

Ensign Travis Mayweather

Ensign Hoshi Sato

Connor Trinneer Connor Trinneer

Cmdr. Charles 'Trip' Tucker III

Ensign Billy

Vaughn Armstrong Vaughn Armstrong

Adm. Maxwell Forrest

Ambassador Soval

Cmdr. Shran


Xindi-Primate Councilor

Duncan K. Fraser Duncan K. Fraser

Ensign Walsh

Temporal Agent Daniels

Cmdr. Dolim

John Fleck John Fleck




Spoken Lang:

English Klingon

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