Once Upon a Time 2011

7.7 /10

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Once Upon a Time, which premiered in 2011, is a captivating and inventive series that brings fairy tales to life in a modern setting. The show seamlessly weaves together classic characters like Snow White, Prince Charming, and Rumplestiltskin with a unique twist, creating a rich and engaging storyline that keeps viewers hooked.

With its blend of fantasy, drama, and romance, Once Upon a Time offers a fresh take on familiar tales, exploring themes of love, family, and redemption. The talented cast, led by Jennifer Morrison and Lana Parrilla, delivers strong performances that bring depth and complexity to their characters. Overall, Once Upon a Time is a magical journey that will enchant audiences of all ages.

Videos & Photos

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Mary Margaret Blanchard

Regina Mills

Mr. Gold

Jared Gilmore Jared Gilmore

Henry Mills

David Nolan

Captain Killian 'Hook' Jones

Belle Gold

Granny Lucas

Robin Hood

Ruby Lucas

Daevyd Avalon Daevyd Avalon

Dr. Archie Hopper

Faustino Di Bauda Faustino Di Bauda



Michael Coleman Michael Coleman




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Once Upon a Time (2011)

7.7 /10

Once Upon a Time, which premiered in 2011, is a captiv...