True Lies 2023
5.2 /10
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True Lies from 2023 is an actionpacked and thrilling series that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The storyline is captivating, with unexpected twists and turns that will leave you guessing until the very end. The dynamic performances from the cast, led by the talented lead actors, bring depth and authenticity to the characters, making them relatable and engaging.
The production quality of True Lies is topnotch, with impressive special effects and wellexecuted action sequences that add to the overall excitement of the show. The writing is sharp and intelligent, blending humor with intense drama seamlessly. True Lies is a mustwatch for fans of the action genre, delivering a satisfying blend of adrenalinepumping moments and intriguing storytelling.
Videos & Photos
All 1 Videos & 1 Photoscast
Harry Tasker
Helen Tasker
Luther Tenet
Maria Ruiz

Dana Tasker
Jake Tasker
Albert 'Gib' Gibson


Susan Trilby
Max Graves
Mrs. Myers
Pieter Voss
Arnie Orwig