Destination Fear 2019

7.0 /10

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Destination Fear, a 2019 series, offers a thrilling and suspenseful exploration of haunted locations across the United States. The show follows a group of paranormal investigators as they spend the night in various eerie places, capturing their experiences on camera. Each episode is filled with tension, jump scares, and compelling storytelling that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

With its raw and authentic approach to the paranormal genre, Destination Fear delivers a captivating viewing experience for fans of horror and supernatural mysteries. The chemistry between the cast members, combined with the spooky locations they visit, creates a perfect blend of entertainment and genuine fear that will leave audiences wanting more.

Videos & Photos

All 1 Videos & 1 Photos


Dakota Laden Dakota Laden


Chelsea Laden Chelsea Laden


Tanner Wiseman Tanner Wiseman


Alex Schroeder Alex Schroeder

Self - Camera Operator

Ryan Zacherl Ryan Zacherl

Self - Paranormal Investigator

Austin Maynard Austin Maynard

Self - Paranormal Investigator

Rachel Raschella Rachel Raschella

Self - Previously Investigated Cresson

Lindsey Rogers Lindsey Rogers

Self - Previously Investigated Cresson

Tyler Moudry Tyler Moudry

Self - Historian

Ronnie Dee Ronnie Dee

Self - Local Resident

Ady Gaddis Ady Gaddis

Self - Local Resident

Dylan Stevens Dylan Stevens

Self - Paranormal Investigator

Steve Brodt Steve Brodt

Self - Previously Investigated Cresson

Drew Babineau Drew Babineau

Self - Paranormal Investigator

Dave Schrader Dave Schrader

Self - Paranormal Investigator

Jeff Adkins Jeff Adkins

Adam Kimmell Adam Kimmell

Lynn Czekaj Lynn Czekaj



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Destination Fear (2019)

7.0 /10

Destination Fear, a 2019 series, offers a thrilling an...