Touch 2012

7.3 /10

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Touch, a captivating series from 2012, offers a unique blend of drama, mystery, and heartwarming moments. The show follows the story of a young boy named Jake who has a special gift of seeing patterns in numbers that connect people around the world. As Jakes father, played brilliantly by Kiefer Sutherland, tries to understand and nurture his sons abilities, the audience is taken on a thrilling and emotional journey filled with unexpected twists and turns.

With its intricate storytelling, strong performances, and thoughtprovoking themes, Touch keeps viewers engaged and eager for more. Each episode is like a puzzle piece that fits perfectly into the larger narrative, creating a truly rewarding viewing experience. Touch is a mustwatch series that will leave a lasting impact on your heart and mind.

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All 1 Videos & 1 Photos


Martin Bohm

Jake Bohm

Clea Hopkins

Calvin Norburg

Amelia Robbins

Trevor Wilcox

Guillermo Ortiz

Lucy Robbins

Roxana Brusso Roxana Brusso

Avram Hadar

May Miyata May Miyata

Sheri Strepling

Satomi Okuno Satomi Okuno


Arthur Teller

Catherine Dent Catherine Dent

Nicole Farington

Abigail Kelsey

Samantha Whittaker Samantha Whittaker

Tony Rigby




Drama Mystery Sci-Fi

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