Baskets 2016

7.6 /10

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Baskets is a unique and quirky comedy series that premiered in 2016. The show follows the life of Chip Baskets, a struggling clown who dreams of making it big in the world of professional clowning. The blend of humor and heart in the storytelling is both refreshing and entertaining.

With stellar performances by Zach Galifianakis in the lead role and a solid supporting cast, Baskets manages to strike a balance between absurdity and emotional depth. The offbeat humor and eccentric characters make for a truly memorable viewing experience. Overall, Baskets is a delightful and offkilter gem that is definitely worth a watch for those looking for something out of the ordinary.

Videos & Photos

All 1 Videos & 1 Photos


Chip Baskets

Martha Brooks

Christine Baskets

Ernest Adams Ernest Adams


Sabina Sciubba Sabina Sciubba


Julia Rose Julia Rose



Darcy Shean Darcy Shean


Eve Brenner Eve Brenner

Mrs. Brooks

Garry Clemmons Garry Clemmons



Uncle Jim




Comedy Drama

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