Loudermilk 2017

7.9 /10

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Loudermilk is a refreshing and witty comedy series that premiered in 2017. The show follows the life of Sam Loudermilk, a recovering alcoholic and substance abuse counselor who navigates through his own struggles while helping others in his group therapy sessions. The writing is sharp, the humor is dark, and the character development is topnotch.

With strong performances from Ron Livingston in the lead role and a talented supporting cast, Loudermilk offers a unique take on addiction and recovery with a healthy dose of humor. The series manages to strike a good balance between comedy and drama, making it a compelling watch for anyone looking for a characterdriven show with heart and humor.

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Sam Loudermilk

Ben Burns

Claire Wilkes

Brian Regan Brian Regan

Mugsy Bennigan

Tony Rosetti

Ricky Blitt Ricky Blitt

New Guy

Sam Bob Sam Bob


William Coyne William Coyne

Roger Frostly

Father Michael

Allison Montgomery

Felix Furbush

Brendan McNamara Brendan McNamara


Melinda Dahl Melinda Dahl

Tom Blitt




Comedy Drama

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